Friday, April 04, 2008

How to keep exercising fun

I found these tips to keep exercising fun. They are really basic but even for the best pro's they are still very valid.

1. MAKE IT FUN! No one likes things that are boring or seem like a chore. To stick with your exercise program, choose activities that you enjoy.

2. MIX IT UP! Too much of anything gets boring eventually, so switch up your exercise routine a few times a week. Try rotating three activities such as running, hiking, and kick boxing or yoga. This way you won’t quit do to boredom burn out, plus you’ll be training different body parts with each workout!

3. CHART YOUR SUCCESS. Set small, realistic goals for yourself and keep a written record as you achieve them. Seeing your success on paper can be super motivating.

4. THINK LONG TERM. View exercising and being active as a lifestyle, not a short term “diet” or quick fix. People who work out consistently see lasting results and get the most health benefits.